Legal Notice and Use Conditions

Use conditions

 The website of GLOBL YACHTS MANAGEMENT (CIF: B72962830) with registered office at Avda. Gabriel Roca, núm 36, 07014, Palma. Telephone: +34 871 002 054.

These conditions are the terms and conditions with which you (the User) and GLOBL YACHTS MANAGEMENT (S.L.) (hereinafter the COMPANY) regulate the use and enjoyment of the company website. Being a user of the company website implies that you acknowledge having read and accepted these conditions and what is extended by the applicable legal regulations on this matter. If you do not agree with these conditions, please do not continue using the company website.

  1. Purpose of the website
  1. Requirements to register information
  1. General requirements
  1. Limitations on the use and protection of the information and content of the website
  1. Intellectual property rights
  1. Privacy policy
  1. Guarantees
  1. Responsibility
  1. Generalities


  1. Purpose of the website

The company website has information about companies and other more diverse information regarding business activity in Spain that is offered free of charge and accessible to everyone without the need to pay any amount at the time of access. This website allows you to enter information of the company to its representatives. For all those operations that can be carried out with the company and that involve the collection or payment of money, other conditions will also be established that we will call “General Conditions” that will also be accessible from the main page of the Website.

Even “Particular Conditions” if necessary for specific services. These last “Particular Conditions” must be made available to the User in a reliable manner by any means and specifically endorsed by the User, before both parties consider them accepted and act accordingly.


  1. Requirements to register information

You may use the company website to add, modify or update a company’s information in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract. You must at all times have the necessary authorization to enter the information you provide us.

This information must:

– Be complete, up-to-date, truthful and accurate.

– Comply with current legislation at all times.

– When entering the information, you are obliged at all times to update the information that you or your company provide to the website.

Likewise, you authorize the company to contact you at any time to verify the data provided, and undertake, upon request, to provide you with the document that proves the authorization to enter information about your company.


  1. General requirements

3.1. The information contained on the website is provided by the company, and may be expanded, modified or deleted by third parties such as representatives of the company. The information included will only be of a personal or business nature. The company will not be responsible for the information provided by third parties, therefore a commitment is required to contact us through the Contact Us link when you notice outdated or untrue information or by registering in the system through the form and providing the information you consider relevant.

3.2. You acknowledge and accept that the company has full control over the editing of the website, without the obligation to notify you of any type of change in the information or its presentation.

3.3. You acknowledge and agree that the company is authorized in its sole discretion to reject, not accept, delete or modify any registration, any content of such registration or any contact.

3.4. The company may terminate this contract, remove your registration, deactivate your account and/or deny you access to the website, if the company considers that you have violated this contract or if for any other reason, and always at its discretion, it considers relevant.

3.5. The company reserves the right to modify or deactivate, totally or partially, the website at any time at its discretion and without the obligation to notify it in advance.


  1. Limitations on the use and protection of the information and contents of the website

The content and information that the user can access through the website may come from third parties, or from the Information Database of Companies and Entrepreneurs owned by the company or may have been obtained through the Internet.

We value the quality of the information offered, therefore, if you detect any information or content that is not correct, violates any law, regulation or fails to comply with the terms of this contract, you must notify us as soon as possible through the link to the Contact Us.

In order to improve the quality of the information offered, you acknowledge and agree that the company has the right to modify the content of the website and may at any time, without notice, modify or eliminate all or part of the content. Of the same.

Access to the information on the website can only be made through the web address and those other domains or subdomains that are specified by contract by the company. It is prohibited to access the website in any automatic and repeated manner using robots, scripts or spiders that automatically make multiple requests to the website. It is prohibited to store the information contained on the website without express authorization from the company. Automated access to the website by search engines, such as Google and Bing, is authorized.

The company makes specific changes to the information, inserting watermarks with encryption technology, which do not alter the content or meaning of the same in any degree, but which allow the detection of illicit commercialization of its database and the origin of said products. marketing, as well as the date and IP of extraction. The company will be able to prove the illicit collection of information and, therefore, will demand the penalties established in the criminal code regarding the misappropriation of databases.


  1. Intellectual property rights

The company website and Database are owned and operated by the company. You acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights included in or relating to the Website and the Database belong to the Company or its licensors, and that nothing in this Agreement constitutes a transfer of such rights.

You may download and view content, and/or print a copy of the material on the website for your own use, but you may not:

– Modify the content in any way.

– Transfer the content to the public domain.

– Use the content in any way or for any purpose that this Agreement prohibits.

– You must not do anything that infringes or otherwise interferes with the company’s intellectual property rights. Except for other express authorization contained herein or in the Law, you may not reproduce any content on the website without our prior written permission and, if necessary, the payment of a specified fee.

We may publish and communicate any content to the public. By placing Content on the website, you grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license worldwide to: reproduce, modify, aggregate, use, copy, publish, communicate and adapt the content for any purpose. , in any form and anywhere in the world, including, by way of example and without limitation, the content on the website that is part of its Database. And specifically, it also authorizes the incorporation of the information provided in the GLOBL YACHTS MANAGEMENT Database for its use and dissemination in the products and services that are considered appropriate.

For the avoidance of doubt, You acknowledge and agree that the license includes our right to:

– Make the content available to other companies, organizations or individuals with whom there is a relationship for the provision of services, and use the content in the provision of such services;

– Make the content available to the public through a site on the Internet, or as part of services or products in any jurisdiction; We will allow website users to search for the content that you have posted;

– You will do everything necessary (including, but not limited to, signing any document at our request) for the company to obtain the full benefit of the licenses, waivers and consents indicated in this Copyright clause. Intellectual property.

– Your use of any third-party content (such as third-party Internet sites linked to the website) may be subject to the third party’s terms and conditions of use. Nothing in this Agreement (or on the website) constitutes a license or right that allows you to use such content.


  1. Privacy policy

All information you provide us about yourself will be used in accordance with the confidentiality rules contained in our Privacy Policy.


  1. Guarantees

You represent and warrant that:

  • You have full authorization to publish the Content, and to authorize its publication by the company.
  • You are at least 18 years of age and are legally capable of entering into this Agreement;
  • The publication of the Accessible Content in accordance with this Agreement will not at any time infringe intellectual property rights, moral rights, rights of confidentiality or other rights of any person;
  • Has the capacity to grant the License;
  • The Accessible Content will at all times comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and applicable industry codes;
  • All products and services published in the Accessible Content will match the published description and will be made available in the manner, at the price and for the period published;
  • The Accessible Content does not currently infringe, nor will it infringe in the future, the intellectual property rights, moral rights, rights of confidentiality or other rights of any person;
  • No information you provide us will refer to people’s private activity.
  • All Accessible Content will be current and accurate, without misleading or deceiving end users of the website;
  • Each site on the Internet represented by a URL that displays or incorporates the Registration in relation to Your business:


  1. Is controlled and managed by Your business or Your business’s independent contractor;
  2. It will be operational and accessible at all times; and
  3. It is suitable in all respects, including, by way of example and without limitation, the purpose of the site, for the link to the website.


  1. Responsibility

The company has no control over Third Party Content and therefore will not be liable for said information or the use that may be made of said information, with the user assuming any risk derived from the use of the information. Nothing contained on the website constitutes the provision of financial or other advice.

The company will not be liable to you for any damages or losses (including, but not limited to, lost profits, indirect or consequential losses) regardless of the cause (including, but not limited to, without limitation, contractual or extra-contractual losses or damages (such as those resulting from negligence), contained in bodies of law or otherwise) that you suffer in relation to:

  • Your use of the website or having relied on any information contained therein.
  • Commercial dealings with any business that appears on the web.

You release the company, employees and agents from and against any liability, loss, damage, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, legal expenses on a full indemnity basis), and penalties in which any of they incur or must face as a result of:

  • Your breach of this Agreement
  • Any act of fraud or fraud committed by you, or committed on your behalf; and
  • The publication or use of the Accessible Content, including, but not limited to, claims brought by any third party for defamation, negligent misrepresentation, harmful inaccuracy, contempt, rights of publicity and/or privacy, infringement of copyright laws, trademark infringement, other violations of intellectual property laws, fraudulent imitations, deceptive, misleading or deceptive conduct, and any failure to comply with representations, warranties or agreements, or any act or omission related to them.


  1. Generalities

You must carefully read and agree to this Agreement each time you use the website. While the company hopes that it will not have to alter this Agreement, modifications may be required from time to time. By using the Website (including, but not limited to, the posting of any Content), you agree that the then-current version of this Agreement applies to such use.

The execution and interpretation of this contract will be subject to Spanish legislation and in the event of controversy, this agreement is subject, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction that may correspond to the parties, to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid.